The human body knows how to restore itself...we are trying to educate people to use this mechanism to restore themselves.
— Dr. David Berceli, Creator of TRE®

What is Tension Release Exercise?


What is TRE®?

TRE® (Tension, Stress & Trauma Release Exercise) is an innovative series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. Created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, TRE® safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance. 

What are the benefits of TRE®?

Once the innate tremoring mechanism of the body has been reactivated and the relaxation response has been reestablished, some of the benefits individuals have reported include the following:

  • Deeper and more restful sleep
  • Increased personal energy for work and home
  • Increased focus, concentration and clearer thinking
  • Greater sense of calm and clarity in stressful situations
  • Enhanced collaboration and productivity
  • Less worry, anxiety and depression
  • Relief from stress related physical pain

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