“Doing this work opened up a whole new dimension to my life and work. I can only but highly recommend this TRE® training with Ching and Michelle and encourage you to allow yourself the opportunity for enrichment and a deepening of your relationship with self and others.”
“I truly believe that for all of us living in Singapore, which is so fast-paced, taking Module 1 is not a luxury but a necessity.”
“Michelle and Ching show great heart and experience. The environment they provide is great for healing and learning. I felt safe to let go, which opened up my own learning and self awareness.”
“I wanted to see what’s going to happen and how my body is responding. Now half a year later I feel where I am now, so much tension has left my body. It’s just not there anymore.”
“Through TRE® with Ching and Michelle, I’ve started listening to my own body’s wisdom about what it needs and how I can heal myself.”
“TRE® is mind blowing. How the body knows exactly what it needs to heal and release its own tension and stress is both sophisticated and simply natural. It solves my years of backpain. My daily life has become energetic through the day and I sleep like a baby at night. I would recommend TRE® for anyone who is ready for change and transformation in their life. And as trainers, Ching & Michelle are very friendly, supportive, yet firm and detailed. ”